Try our June Recipe of The Month; The Hungry Guest Picnic Platter! This is the perfect dish to impress your family and friends with over the Summer.
Servings: 3 – 4 people
Prepping time: 30 mins
Cooking time: 20 mins

1 x Hungry Guest Miso Hummus
50g Shelled Broad Beans
2 x Fresh Mint Springs
1 x Hungry Guest Ciabatta
Olive Oil
4x Eggs
100g Mereworth New Potatoes
5 x Asparagus Spears
20g Mereworth Tarragin
100g French Beans
Hungry Guest Honey and Mustard Dressing
Chopped Cives
1 x Burrata
1x Hungry Guest Sun Dried Tomato Pesto
1 x Hungry Guest Tomato and Basil Focaccia
Salt and Pepper
1 x Petworth Pie
For the Miso Hummus and Broad-Bean Bruschetta 
- Slice the ciabatta in half length ways, drizzle with olive oil and grill.
- Blanch the broad beans and remove the outer shells.
- Finely slice the mint and mix with the broad beans. Season and dress with a little olive oil.
- Spread the ciabatta with miso hummus, and top with broad bean mix.
For the Mereworth Frittata
- Preheat the over to 180 degrees C.
- slice and cook the new potatoes
- Cut the asparagus into small pieces, slice the wild garlic, and finely shop the tarragon.
- Crack and whisk the eggs, then add the vegetables. Season with salt and pepper.
- Line a small tin or pan with baking parchment and pour in.
- Bake for 25-30 minutes, until the egg is cooked. Allow to cool before removing from the tin.
For the French Bean Salad
- Top and tail the French beans, and blanch in salted water. Drain and cool.
- Gently separate the French beans in half.
- Chop the chives finely and mix with the beans. Dress with honey and mustard dressing. Season with salt and pepper.
For the Burrata and Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto
- Drain the burrata. Break apart and season with salt and pepper.
- Generously spoon the tomato pesto over.
- Cut slices of the focaccia and drizzle with olive oil. Griddle well.
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